Building off the work of the Education and Outreach Working Group (active 1999-2019), the Communications Working Group was established in March 2022. The Communications Working Group will act as a resource for the other members of the task force and aid in all communication needs. The group will develop content such as newsletters, social media, and other outreach materials to help promote the task force and engage new members, managers, and the general public. We plan to help promote collaboration within the task force and assist in the preparation of outreach materials for the task force's biannual meetings, workshops, and seminars. Since March 2022, our working group has successfully developed materials for the 45th USCRTF Business Meeting including a USCRTF social media tool kit specifically for the 45th meeting in Kona, Hawai'i and task force factsheet. Future projects include working on a task force-wide social media tool kit, addressing the communications needs of the Coral Disease and Climate Change Working Groups, and recruiting permanent members to help guide the Communications Working Group into the future.